
We ask Phil what the benefits of electric roof windows are.

Date Posted: 01 July 2016

What are the benefits of electric roof windows? 

The obvious benefit is that you don’t need to be able to reach your electric roof windows to be able to open and close them. This is really useful if you have a skylight in a room with a high roof and can’t reach the window without a chair or ladder to stand on. 

It also means that you don’t have to move furniture around or lean over bookshelves, sideboards or plan the layout of your loft room around access to the windows.   

There are three great brands that you can go for, Fakro, Velux or Keylite. All are easily connected to your electricity circuit. You can wire them in and hide behind the plaster board or just plug them in. Velux even offer a solar powered window.  

Can I use electric roof windows in my extension? 

Absolutely. A lot of people that have extension work done decide to include electric roof windows or skylights. This is often a great way to add value to your home because an extension adds more value than a conservatory. Using electric windows means you can increase air flow and improve the flow of natural light into your home. 


How do electric roof windows work? 

You can open and close your electric roof windows using a remote control so it’s no different to operating your television or dvd player. Another really great feature is that they are rain sensitive so if you’re out or if you’ve gone downstairs and it starts raining, your electric roof windows can close automatically.  

This is a really useful feature. How many times have you left the washing out to dry only to get caught up watching tv or with housework and realise that the good old British weather has played a trick on you? 

If you’re looking to order your electric roof windows now, you can see a full range here or call me now on 020 8551 5800 and me or one of the team will be happy to order your new electric windows for you.